Parish Life
St. Johannes News and Events
New 9:00am Informal Worship Service
- St. Johannes introduces a new informal worship service!
- Our new, refreshing, and brief service includes Holy Communion, and is held on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:30am in the church sanctuary.
- There is NO DRESS CODE, so please feel free to "come as you are!"
St. Johannes Has A New "Baby!"
- Recently purchased by memorials, the 1997 Classic "Made in the USA" Baldwin Baby Grand has been placed downstairs in the church sanctuary.
- Our new piano is available for concerts, weddings, and regular/special worship services.
- It will be dedicated in the fall to the loving memory of Eric and Erma Gatch and Eleanor Gatch Padgett.
New Parking for St. Johannes!
- For all of our visitors, the parking lot adjacent to and across Anson Street from the church is now available especially for you!!
- There is also additional free parking available for our visitors behind the brick building and along the block wall to the left of the carriage company on Hasell Street. This parking is ONLY available on Sunday mornings during church hours.
- Ten (10) parking spaces are now available in their lot at the corner of Anson and Pinckney Streets, thanks to the generosity of Palmetto Carriage Works!
- *Note* These spaces are ONLY available ON SUNDAYS from 9:00am−1:00pm. Please ask our parish administrator, Nancy Hendricks, for a St. Johannes Lutheran Church decal.
- If you are able to walk the one block from this lot to the church, and are only going to be at the church from 9am-1pm on Sundays, please consider using this lot in order to leave the closer parking spaces for those who are unable to walk that distance, and for our visitors.
- Also, please be sure to thank the management and employees of Palmetto Carriage Works for allowing us to use these spaces!!
Sunday Morning Servers
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
October 21st, 11:00am
- Pastor: The Reverend Bruce J. Evenson
- Lay Reader: Jacqui Crosby
- Acolyte/Crucifer: Laura Johnson
- Communion Assistant: Riitta Widelski
- Church Council Persons of the Day:
- Albie Duc and Robbin Mosier
- Altar Guild:
- Laura Johnson and Rhonda McNally
Taizé Worship at St. Johannes
The service of Common Prayer is held on the 2nd Thursday of each month!
- Our next service: November 8th, 2012 from 6:15-6:45 pm in the Church Sanctuary.
- Come experience the quietness, holiness, and beauty of Taizé!
- For more information, click here: Taizé Worship Service
Altar Guild
2012 Altar Guild Schedule and Responsibilities
October 14th, 2012: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 7th, 2012: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 30th, 2012: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 23rd, 2012: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 16th, 2012: Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 9th, 2012: Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 2nd, 2012: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 26th, 2012: Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 19th, 2012: Twelth Sunday after Pentecost
August 12th, 2012: Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 5th, 2012: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 2012
September 2012
July-August 2012
June 2012